- PTMs crosstalk: Crosstalk between phosphorylation and caspase cleavage in apoptosis
- PTMs govern cell fate: Ubiquitin, SUMO, and Phosphate governs cell fate
Query a single protein: protein iELM
- You searched for:SOS1_HUMAN. Please ensure ID spelling is accurate and correct database is selected.
Query a protein interaction network: proteomic ielm
e.g. example 1; example 2There is a limit of 75,000 interactions for a tabulated list or 400 IDs for all-against-all search.
Only human IDs work at present. More species will be added in the near future
iELM1.0 predicts linear motif mediated interactions of ELM annotated functional classes. This form allows a user to search their protein of interest for short linear motif-mediated interactions within the high-quality protein-protein association data extracted from the STRING database
Proteomic iELM searches a users protein-protein interaction dataset for short linear motif mediated interactions. The user may input data in two ways:
1) A list of protein with a seperate ID on each line. For example press
2) Two proteins per a line seperated by a space (as in the example). The program will only test specified associations. For example press